Metamorfosi delle crode

  • 2024 | Real-time sound performance, analogue synthesizers & SuperCollider, audio speakers, laptop
    20' | Environmental dimensions

Up here we often talk about Enrosadira, about the shades of Dolomia, about the magical chromatic variations of the stone. Legends, of course. Colors generated by photons that hit the rock. Different incidence angles and cloud filters subsequently generate the hues. In this way, the performance Metamorfosi delle crode tries to explore the tones of the stone as sound matter. A sonic parallelism, using those dynamics that allow the stone to turn its hues. Particles of rock impact stones from different angles. Filters resonate the tones. Synthesizers manipulate its vibrations to return the sonic output in a new shapes. A handful of stones, a few synthesizers, a microphoned surface, a chain of reverbs and delays with feedback.